Nutritional Characteristics Of Ragi

“Finger millet” a 4000 Years old cereal, a smart crop of Ethiopian highland introduced to India. An amazing seed which is a natural sapid relaxant that can be roasted with ghee, a sattvic food item that balances Kapha, acts as a lubrication to the mind and the body, structures and governs the balance of body fluid. Rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers, high in protein, high in thiamine, essential amino acids, calcium and iron methionine with a low glycemic index, alk aline and gluten-free, with a dry and light quality,

Rising Ragi Benefits for Diabetes Patients

Ragi the soul food of south India, rich in calcium, high in fiber contents an essential source of amino acids, gluten-free, excellent baby food, cools the body, reduces blood pressure, cholesterol, and reduces heart problems and risks of strokes, reverses skin aging, provides stamina, helps in weight loss, battles anemia, a natural relaxant. Diabetologists and dieticians are finding out that ragi is the solution for chronic illnesses like Diabetes, hypertension, and Hyperlipidemia. Hence frequently prescribed to support diabetes management measures, to minimize the risk of type 2 diabetes and other